5 Tips to Make Your Company’s Holiday Party the Best Party Ever!

It’s that time of year – time to book the annual company holiday party! You want your company’s holiday party to be the highlight of the year. After all, it is the culmination and celebration of another successful year, in which your employees dedicated their time and energy to growing your organization!

canstockphoto19223414_partyStaff appreciate that you’re throwing a holiday party for them. So, if you want to make it one of the best events of the year, simply incorporate the following five tips.

Involve Everyone!

When you include employees, interns, temporary staff, and even volunteers, you’re recognizing every individual who keeps your organization running. While it costs more to include everybody in your year-end bash, your holiday party is not the time to skimp on invitations.

Without your staff, progress would be non-existent, and happy staff remain productive staff! Splurge and invite everyone who makes what you do possible.

If It’s Small, Make It Count

Not every company has a hundred or more employees—or an enormous budget, but that hardly means that small and microbusinesses should skip the holiday tradition.

Instead of planning an elaborate event, keep it small and make it memorable. Take employees out to a special lunch or dinner—or better yet, play hooky on a December afternoon and head to our lanes for a few rounds of bowling, beer, and well-earned fun.

Good, Clean Fun

While an open bar will certainly translate to increased turnout, real fun creates better memories. Volunteering, non-work communication and other activities foster comradery, which is exactly what you want to see in your team.

Set a Clear Intention

Everyone enjoys being recognized and appreciated. Give back to your employees by making sure they know you’re throwing this year’s holiday party for them. Plus, don’t punish anyone who may not be able to make it.

Extra tip: give your employees a few hours off and throw your party in the afternoon which eliminates the need for babysitters and will help make it possible for everyone to be there!

Cut Your Employees Some Slack

If you’re throwing your corporate holiday party during the day, reduce your employees’ workload accordingly. If your party is on a work night and drinking is involved, don’t expect everyone to show up at 8:30 a.m. sharp with bright eyes. In the giving spirit of the holidays, give your employees a break.

Make Your Holiday Party Count

Turn your holiday party into the highlight of the year. Book space on our bowling lanes or a private room for your entire team! Just call Dayna at 401-944-0500 and we’ll make it happen! Happy Holidays!